Monthly Archives: August 2014

“Fixing” failed airstream windows

I read on a few posts that the way to take care of the bubbled coating in between the dual pane windows was to break out the inside window, clean and reseal the exterior window. In my first attempt I broke the exterior window and will have to come up with a plan to “fix” that. This evening I successfully broke out the inside window on two windows and it seems to be working better. On a 1976 Sovereign the inside windows are not tempered glass and will shatter. Please be sure if you decide to attempt this to be fully protected with thick leather gloves and a face shield. The lower vista view windows have acrylic on the inside and take a different approach to get them out. Most folks seem to use a router and trim them out. I’ll have to decide what to do when I get there.

This was going to include video I took of the process but it isn’t supported with this free version of WordPress so I have moved everything to my Google Blogger site “Sovereign of the Road”.